Harness Racing
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHHARNESS RACING will be making it come back on Tuesday July 12th. No betting. Will be posting times and races soon.
Tuff Truck Competition
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHPros and locals can compete in the very first tuff truck competition during the week of the fair. Locals may enter by purchasing a pit pass for $ 25…
Rush Sportsman & BRP modified tour
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHAction packed dirt track racing will once again be flying on Expo Speedway Rush Sportsman Modifieds and BRP Big Blocks
Truck & Tractor Pulls
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHWe welcome Ohio State Truck & Tractor Pulls Assocation to our fairgrounds. Classes and Registration information will be released soon.
Motorcycle Show
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHRide on into the fairgrounds and park around the grandstands on your bike. Half of the admission charge will go to Trumbull County Homeless Veterans
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHHigh Steel Rodeo is coming into town on Saturday July 16th
Demolition Derby
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHBack by popular demand the crashing and banging of the famous demolition derby. Any Year Motorswap Street Stock Compact Street Stock Full-size Stock Mini-Van/ Truck/ Suv Windshield Powerwheels
Trumbull County Fair Grand Stand 4188 hoagland-blackstub rd., Cortland, OHSpend the last night of the fair by looking up to the skies for a wonderful display of fireworks.