Board Committees
Trumbull County Agricultural Society annual meeting will be held on Saturday, September 21 at 11:00am in the hall behind the fair office. The annual election of board of directors will follow from 1:00-5:00pm on the same day. To vote you must present one of the following: a valid drivers license or a state of Ohio photo ID. You also must have a fair membership.

Committees with Directors' Name
* Indicates Chairperson or Co-Chair
Name Of Committee | Director's Name | |||||||
Advertisement |
Agricultural Building |
Audit | Jack Lammers* Jan Solomon |
Bazetta Township Liaison Trustees, Fire Dept., & Police Dept. |
Beautification |
Beef Cattle |
Beer |
Block Watch |
Camping |
Comm.& Local Farm Dairy Cattle Machinery |
Concessions |
Dairy Cattle |
Demo Derby |
Domestic & Culinary Arts | Kierstin Holmes * | |||||||
Draft Horses |